Senior Lawyers

As a senior lawyer with many years of experience you will need to decide whether you want to transition to a leadership role. Becoming a Partner or taking on a General Counsel or other senior role in a commercial or government in-house team will require you to focus on the skills beyond technical expertise. To be an effective leader you need to be able to navigate through organisational complexity, lead innovation and develop the talent you need in the future. This development can also open doors to roles outside of law.


"I've been fortunate to attend two of IKD's programs - the 'Lawyers Leadership Program' and the LCEDP.  The IKD facilitators are excellent and insightful, and generate a terrific learning environment.  I felt this was particularly enhanced by having a mix of attendees from very different sectors.  I was sufficiently impressed 'by my experience with IKD to then send my own staff on their programs - including both the 'Lawyers Leadership Program' and 'Lawyers in the Limelight."


Partner Development Program PDP

The PDP is a program that is adapted to the host firm's strategic priorities and culture. In essence the program targets Partners that are relatively new to the role to provide them with the skills, self awareness and mindset shift they will need to run a high performing practice. Space to reflect on how they will delegate the legal work well, develop a growth strategy and identify how they can make the best contribution to the broader Partnership can make all the difference to how effective they are in the medium to long term. 1:1 coaching is typically a key part of this program design.