Mid Level Lawyers
As a senior lawyer with experience your challenge is to continue to deepen your technical capability, expand your reputation as a serious contender in the legal profession, begin to grow the capability of junior lawyers and take a stronger role as an influencer as you work more closely with clients and other critical stakeholders.
Advanced Presentation Skills And Executive Presence
This program is ideal as a 2-3 day intensive for experienced lawyers to step out the day to day and reflect on how they can position themselves more confidently in the limelight. Developing the skills to design memorable presentations, manage challenging dynamics, work effectively with their own and other’s ego and really develop a good sense of the assets of their personal style are the focus of this program.
The Role Of Inner Critic For Lawyers
IKD’s research in the debilitating impact of an over developed Inner Critic has given rich data and the practical tools that enable lawyers to be consciously aware of how their perfectionistic, self critical and risk adverse tendencies can limit their potential and make their day to day work more stressful than it needs to be. The outcome of this program is an increased level of inner confidence and a way of moving into, managing and reviewing professional experiences with a developmentally focused Inner Coach.
This work can be delivered in sessions or workshops of varying lengths depending on the professional development objectives that are set up front.
Adaptive Lawyering
Typically lawyers thrive in environments with high certainty and structure. The real world of organisations is increasingly turbulent and the need to learn how to be flexible and adapt to a shifting landscape is critical. What can feel counterintuitive to a lawyer is the new norm for many of their clients so this development will help close the gap and enable lawyers to work more consciously and collaboratively in their roles. Lawyers are always proud to say they are ‘commercial’. Commercial and adaptive is a higher order value proposition! This work can be delivered in sessions or workshops of varying lengths depending on the professional development objectives that are set up front.
Emotional Intelligence
High IQ is often associated with the legal profession but EQ is not the first thing that comes to mind when we contemplate lawyers, their training and the work they do. Whilst advanced skills in analyses, critique and risk identification are important, without self awareness, the ability to read others and the courage to have courageous conversations, lawyers can come across as intellectual piranhas and fail to perform when it comes to establishing deep and trusting relationships with both clients and team members. This work can be delivered in sessions or workshops of varying lengths depending on the professional development objectives that are set up front.
Coaching And Delegating For Lawyers
Our work with lawyers over many years has led us to believe that lawyers learn how to delegate and coach well based on reversing their experience of poor practice. Unclear or inadequate instructions, unrealistic timeframes, a lack of content, hyper critical reviewing and an absence or no feedback equating to ‘you are doing an ok job’ is the collective experience of so many lawyers who have either left private practice or the legal profession completely. For others this experience, or the contrary experience has deepened their commitment to build strong competence and capability as delegators and coaches, thereby ensuring they leave an enduring legacy on the lives and professions of other lawyers. This program is ideal as a 2 day intensive or a set of 4 half day modules.