Junior Lawyers
As a junior lawyer with years of law school study under your belt it is time to build your professional confidence and competence. Junior lawyers have told IKD for years that the study of law does not prepare junior lawyers for the experience of the workplace. Our programs for junior lawyers focus on some basic but critical skills in the area of communication, confidence and focus. In addition, we offer you the chance to gain a sense of who you are and who you want to become as a legal professional.
Personal Leadership Fundamentals
This program provides the space for those new to the legal profession, ideally in the first 3 years of practice to reflect on themselves at a deeper level and consider how best to manage themselves and their careers as they progress. We also focus on what we consider to be the seeds that will grow future leaders so these young professional can avoid the seductive traps the legal profession can perpetrate unconsciously. This work can be delivered in sessions or workshops of varying lengths depending on the professional development objectives that are set up front.
The Role Of Inner Critic For Lawyers
IKD’s research in the debilitating impact of an over developed Inner Critic has given rich data and the practical tools that enable lawyers to be consciously aware of how their perfectionistic, self critical and risk adverse tendencies can limit their potential and make they day to day work more stressful than it needs to be. The outcome of this program is an increased level of inner confidence and a way of moving into, managing and reviewing professional experiences with a developmentally focused Inner Coach. This work can be delivered in sessions or workshops of varying lengths depending on the professional development objectives that are set up front.